Spire Murrayfield Hospital has operated in Wirral for more than 30 years and was recognised by many in the community as a centre of medical excellence.
However, it recently suffered some reputational issues, and in 2018 a new Hospital Director was appointed who completed a full review of staffing and services and implemented a capital investment programme to upgrade the hospital facilities.
Develop community relationships to reaffirm the hospital’s position as a centre of clinical excellence in Wirral. Increase awareness within the local community that the hospital’s services are available to all through promotion of the pay as you go service.
Build on Spire Murrayfield’s relationship with its Consultants, support the recruitment of new talent and promote Spire’s commitment to training and development.
A PR and stakeholder engagement programme to promote the hospital’s world class Consultants, diagnostics and treatments and areas of expertise supported by content developed by clinical journalist.
Regular coverage in the regional, lifestyle and medical press including thought leadership articles and profiles of Spire Consultants. Artemis established a partnership with Tranmere Rovers Football Club to offer physiotherapy services to players and drafted award submissions for the Wirral Business Awards.
Through work Artemis was delivering for another client, representatives from Spire Murrayfield attended a House of Commons event to network with senior politicians and officials in health and social care. The success of the campaign led to Artemis being referred on to work with Spire Cheshire.
Spire Murrayfield Hospital Wirral